The LGB Alliance is marking its second anniversary with its first ever conference which they have announced is being held at Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre in Westminster on Thursday 21st October and open to all of the charity’s supporters – including Lesbian and Gay News readers at a special discounted rate for tickets. Here’s what we know about the exciting event.
The conference called “Hear 2021 Stay” will cover a range of topics affecting lesbians, gay men and bisexual people. The all day event of inspiring speakers, lively panel discussions and Q&A sessions will close with a celebratory evening disco to mark the organisation’s second birthday. You’ll have the chance to meet the LGB Alliance founders Bev Jackson and Kate Harris and the charity’s trustees, and you’ll have the opportunity to contribute to the future focus and direction of the LGB Alliance.
There’s a packed agenda for the day which will include a keynote speech by barrister Allison Bailey who launched LGB Alliance with a single tweet two years ago.
The LGB Alliance said about Allison Bailey’s keynote speech: “The redoubtable, irrepressible and entirely unstoppable Allison Bailey has played a crucial part in our history. You will not want to miss her speech!”
The LGB Alliance have announced that the conference will be held at the prestigious and extremely smart Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre in Westminster.
The LGB Alliance said: “Located just a few steps from Parliament, this superb space will provide the perfect backdrop to what’s set to be an action-packed day. World-class facilities include an impressive auditorium to showcase our fantastic speakers, panels and films. In addition, a huge social space, with views across Parliament Square will be filled with exhibitors, stalls, our LGB bookshop, an authors’ area so that you can get this year’s most important books signed, and Conversation Stations where you can meet up with people to discuss the issues that matter most to you.
Barrister Allison Bailey will be giving a keynote speech
“It’s where we’ll be providing lunch (fancy sandwiches, home-baked tart, fresh salad and your choice of dessert seeing as you asked) and as much tea and coffee as you can handle. In the evening the bars will open and that space will be transformed into our very gay indeed disco.
“Many people have told us they’re planning to come alone. If that’s you, be assured that we’ve created lots of opportunities specifically designed for making introductions. You’ll leave on a high, having made new friends for life.
“This is our first National Conference and it will be a milestone for LGB people at a crucial point in our history. Book your ticket today to make sure you’re a part of it.”
(Photo: iStock by Getty Images/kasto80)
1. I wonder why the emphasis on a "prestigious" venue. Sounds a bit shallow, and not particularly inclusive. 2. Good line-up of speakers, but a bit lacking on the bloke front
Will there be evening only tickets for people who have to work during the day but want to come to the social event in the evening?