The Labour MP for Canterbury, Rosie Duffield, has been at the centre of a storm in the party about women's rights and transgender demands....
I am a butch lesbian. I live with gender dysphoria. This is the condition which, according to mental health professionals, means I am transgender....
Jo Bartosch talks to lesbian women about their experience of meeting so called 'transbians' on women-only dating sites Remember ‘Lisa’ from the cult TV...
Lauren Black lives with dysphoria Writing about dysphoria is difficult for me. I am not great at talking about my feelings, even to my...
It’s like when people see Jesus on a piece of toast. Look at this user profile on the lesbian and “queer” dating app Her....
Thick and fast come the apoplectic accusations from the LGBT+ lobby against members of the authentic and historical lesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB) community...
Fascists can be easily spotted; they tend to have an unhealthy obsession with flags and a penchant for colonising terrain to which they have...
Jo Bartosch talks to Liz who was left grieving when her partner announced her decision to transition. Swimming helps clear Liz’s mind, it’s one...
In the world of camp movie classics, few films hold such a beloved place in gay men’s hearts as Mommie Dearest (1981), the outrageous...
It can be very difficult to know where to start when bringing up the explosive subject of the gender debate with woke friends. Through...
When I was a student in university, I was sexually assaulted. I was 18 years old, newly out at my university, when on a...
I was going to write an upbeat piece on how wonderful it is to finally be free of lockdown. Of how warm, and sunny...
The rainbow flag, a symbol the lesbian and gay - later the lesbian, gay and bisexual - civil rights movement stood behind, finally passed...
Prominent lesbian campaigner and journalist, Julie Bindel is suing Pink News and its editor in chief Benjamin Cohen for aggravated damages in a libel...
Eldur Deville from LGB teymið in Iceland explains the reasons an Icelandic group of the LGB Alliance had to be formed and the enormous...
The cosmetic retailer Lush reversed a decision to fund two lesbian groups on the grounds that they were “anti-trans” and it feared a backlash...
In the game of thrones of gay politics we have our own seat forged of weapons with many pretenders to it, the iron throne...
“Rowling seems to imagine a world in which trans women are privileged predators working with a compliant police force to assault innocent cis women....
Director of Good Law Project Jolyon Maugham has put himself front-and-centre of a legal challenge against the registration of the LGB Alliance as a...
We are very proud of what Lesbian and Gay News (LGN) has achieved since it was founded in February 2021, with quality articles written...
We are very proud of what Lesbian and Gay News (LGN) has achieved since it was founded in February 2021,...
The independent Cass Review of gender identity services for children and young people this morning published its interim report to...
In October 2020 there was a development that has proved to be a game-changer in the battle to defend sex-based...
How do we find more lesbian spaces? For the duration of my twenties, this question has weighed on me more...
In a spectacular failure to read the room, Edinburgh City Council voted last week to join Stonewall’s Diversity Champions Scheme...
Prime Minister Boris Johnson is up against the ropes. "Partygate" has been the last straw for many Conservative MPs, and...
Lesbians United have today announced their 2022 Messaging Guide which lays out a strategy for combating sexism and homophobia with...
There are moments – usually early in the morning at weekends, when groggily watching a TV programme about felt hamsters...
2021 has been an eventful year, I think we can all agree. I’d hate to be the person who’d have...
The word ‘importuning’ sounds faintly ridiculous; an obscure term from an era when table legs were covered lest they elicit...
“Why are you wearing a boy’s uniform?” That question has stayed with me since it was first asked by my...
American rapper and musician Kurtis Tripp has been on a journey from trans rights advocate to gender critical gay rights...
Sir Tony Blair has urged the Labour Party to respond to voters and rethink its position on women and transgender...
Prime Minister Boris Johnson is up against the ropes. "Partygate" has been the last straw for many Conservative MPs, and...
You would need to have been living under a rock not to know that Scotland has been engaged in a...
The first film I ever saw where a lesbian relationship was depicted openly was Desert Hearts. The film was released...
"Bad ideas create victims. Our job at the CBC is to question and challenge bad ideas before people get hurt." This...
Cancel culture is contagious. Spreading from the US and across Europe, it seems the latest to be infected are the...
The Enemy Within is Adam Macqueen's second thriller in his Tommy Wildeblood series. The Piccadilly rent boy turned detective is...
2022 just might be the time I manage to keep a New Year’s Resolution. This year I’m reading books by...
There’s a sad irony at the heart of Janice Raymond’s new book on transgenderism and feminism. After decades of research...
Lesbian and Gay News is an alternative source of news and opinion. Lesbian and Gay News picks up from an historic tradition of British lesbian and gay publications such as Gay News, which ran from 1972-1983, and The Pink Paper, which ran for 25 years from 1987.
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