A recent report in the Daily Mail claimed that currently at the BBC, “unacceptable demands to change or drop stories – demands [have been] made by members of two ‘internal staff networks’ which serve as support and discussion groups.”
The networks referred to were BBC Embrace, which represents Black, Asian and other ethnic minority staff, and BBC Pride, for LGBTQ staff.
“Delegates from these groups are accused of flinging around charges of ‘racism’ and ‘transphobia’,” read the article. “There are claims of ‘bullying, piling on and [using] threats of being cancelled’.”
The impression given by this report is that feminists and others that are concerned about the erasure of women’s sex-based rights are, by default bigoted and racist. The in-house feminist group at the BBC do not accept the linkage between concerns raised about extreme transgender ideology and those that claim complaints of racism are ‘bandied about’. “There is no climate of fear regarding issues relating to race,” my contact tells me. “Such false and sensationalist claims will only cause division and bad feeling if both are being attacked by the Mail in this way.”
The impression given by this report is that feminists and others that are concerned about the erasure of women’s sex-based rights are, by default bigoted and racist.
This inaccurate coverage also feeds in to the nonsense propagated by some trans activists that to be critical of trans ideology is to be racist. According to the cool kids on the block, feminists that speak out against transgender ideology are automatically racist. Which is why newspapers such as the Daily Mail lump the two things together, because trans activists do. As for Black lesbians speaking out against this nonsense? They become White Feminists, according to, for example, the white faux feminist Alison Phipps.
In fact trans-ideology clashes with anti-racist politics in terms of the sheer hypocrisy of the arguments regarding immutability.
For example, those that insist that to refuse to accept the mantra of “trans-women are women” is akin to racism because White Feminists (a slur that also includes any black woman who refuses to capitulate to the ‘trans women are women’ line) ‘police’ the definition of womanhood. For example, this tweet by a woman of colour who regularly rails against feminists that question transgender ideology states that:
“If your feminism is trans-exclusionary, it is also likely racist, casteist, Islamophobic, anti-Semitic, ableist and more because the moment your feminism conditionalises womanhood and reverts to biological essentialism, it’s not feminism but fascist fuckery!”
So, there we have it: if you don’t invite men to join the category of woman, you are putting conditions on who can and cannot be a woman – which is true because we argue that in order to belong to the category of woman, it is necessary to be, well, a woman.
Kenny Ethan Jones, a “black trans man who advocates gender equality within the period space” symbolises the ‘there are people who menstruate who are not women’ argument.
In a charming article entitled, Terfism is White Distraction: On BLM, Decolonising the Curriculum, Anti-Gender Attacks and Feminist Transphobia, the author digs deep to find any arguments that link feminist arguments against trans ideology and racism.
“[Kenny] Jones makes clear that he is “disgusted” that Rowling “has chosen now in the height of the Black lives matter movement to be transphobic”, further claiming that, “JK Rowling … devoted her enormous Twitter platform to discussing the use of gender-neutral terms.”
In other words, writing a considered essay on why women’s refuges and rape crisis services need to remain single sex because of the tsunami of male violence towards women and girls is somehow taking away energy and resources from anti-racist campaigns.
I have heard trans activists espouse the most appalling sexism and racism whilst protesting feminist events.
The reality is that extreme transgender ideology is nothing more than a misogynistic men’s rights movement and not in any way progressive.
I have heard trans activists espouse the most appalling sexism and racism whilst protesting feminist events. Recently, at a public meeting in London to discuss how prison punishes women for being poor, abused and vulnerable, half a dozen protestors were shouting at delegates entering the venue. There are a number of videos circulating widely online, which shows the offensive, often racist nature of the insults being slung not just at the women entering the prisons event, but also a number of delegates attending a conference for Black people in business as part of Black History Month.
Comments included:
“Shut the f*ck up, you c*nt” shouted into the face of one of the stewards.
“Call Weightwatchers, your body’s not doing it.”
“Your hair is minging, buy a weave.”
“Are you a lesbian? No man would want that.”
“Your breasts are on the floor, buy a bra and some hair dye too.”
“I have a better body than you. Like, you have no bum. How do you sit down? What kind of man would want you? A blind man?”
“We don’t want pensioners. We don’t want dinosaurs like all you lot. You are not going to be around in 40 years. Well, 40’s a push.”
“You call yourself a woman? DIE! DIE! DIE!”
To people arriving for the Black Business event, none of whom interacted with the protesters:
“You went through slavery, you went through discrimination, rape, sexual harassment, the slave masters raped and sexually abused you and now you are abusing me, as a trans woman?”
“You look me in the eye. Your ancestors went through slavery and you are here. Hang your head in shame. Slave Master! Yes! Slave Master!”
“Why are you here? Are you supporting these Nazis? Are you supporting neo-Nazis?”
The same happened at the FiLiA conference in October, with trans activists shouting outside “Blow jobs are real jobs” (they tend to love the idea of prostitution) whilst inside, feminists spoke about campaigns to end rape and femicide. A number of women of colour spoke of the violence and abuse towards asylum seeking women, and rape as a weapon of war in countries such as Ethiopia, whilst white, privileged students draped in trans flags shouted degrading slogans.
Feminists that oppose trans ideology are not the same people as those that complain about black people whinging about racism, as suggested by the report on the BBC. This is yet another lie to discredit us. But there are plenty of trans activists who are nothing short of racist, woman-hating bigots.
Julie Bindel is a journalist, author and feminist campaigner. She came out as a lesbian in 1977 aged 15 and has never looked back. Her latest book Feminism for Women: The real route to liberation is out now and published by Hachette.
This is why the political Left Wing has begun to turn off so many people. They've adopted this strategy that you have to fight every kind of bigotry and discrimination at the same time, making little or no distinction between types. They enable this strategy by equating racism with sexism and sexism with transphobia, etcetera. So essentially, they accuse their opponents of everything under the sun, using bizarro logic to justify it. They're like the boy who cried wolf! Eventually, people will stop paying attention to legitimate charges of bigotry because they've been bludgeoned into indifference by these extremists.