Over the last week or so the super straight ‘gender identity’ has emerged as a push back against gender identity ideology. For the most part it has been a humorous push back, but the SERGs – Superstraight Exclusionary Radical Genderists – are not happy.
It’s come from a 16-year-old straight guy in a video he posted to TikTok in February as a response to accusations of transphobia because he’s straight and opposite sex attracted. You can hear the frustration in his voice as he is grappling with the clash between the social fiction of a transwoman being female and the reality of how heterosexuality works; the fact is that transwomen are biological males and heterosexual men are exclusively attracted to biological females.
The video speaks to the importance of respecting sexual boundaries and acknowledging that biological sex is the key factor when talking about our sexual orientations; he has clearly reached the end of his tether and his video is the result.
The truth is that it is not transphobic to not sleep with someone who is a member of the sex that you are not orientated towards. We should be asking ourselves how many more people are reaching the end of their tether and how will their personal pushback present? Will it be more videos, will it be something else? Something worse, something a little more sinister?
Instead of taking note and listening to what is being said, LGBTplc pushed back and instantly went on the attack. Perhaps it is because they feel like they must stamp this out because deep down in the back of their heads they might be starting to realise that they have pushed this too far with the wrong group of people. Maybe they realise that if they let this one go, they might not be able to gaslight and coerce the straights in quite the same way that they have been doing to LGB people?
The truth is that it is not transphobic to not sleep with someone who is a member of the sex that you are not orientated towards.
Maybe it is because gender identity ideologues do not really care about LGB or T people and have been using us to push a radical agenda? Over the last decade they seem more concerned about destroying the concept of biological sex than about actually doing something to improve the lives of the people they claim to represent.
I really hate to be the one who says this but sexual orientation is about which of the two sexes you are attracted to. It is not something you can identify into or out of, and it just so happens that gay men and lesbian women were and still are oppressed based on our homosexuality. And this oppression continues today and is being mainly driven by the genderists who drive policy forward with LGBTplc.
The response to super straight from LGBTplc has been depressingly predictable; condemnations that heterosexuality is transphobia, presumably because the only way to prove that you are not transphobic is to deny your innate sexual orientation and allow your sexual boundaries to be violated. An idea that LGB people are all too familiar with. I used to have a thread of examples before my Twitter account was suspended. There are now websites documenting it instead.
The original TikTok video has since been removed because of threats made to his mother. This kind of hate, all too commonly shown towards LGB people by the genderists, is a direct result of gender identity ideology. There is a danger that LGB (and T) people will be dragged into the inevitable backlash to it because of our unwanted association with it. We can already see this in drops in rates of LGBT acceptance.
They thought they could tell the straights to unlearn their ‘transphobic’ sexual orientation, but the straights are starting to be straight with them. This is a warning shot across the bow and the question is do we take notice, or do we dismiss it and plough on regardless?
All LGBTplc is doing is avoiding addressing the elephant in the room about the idea that a person’s internal sense of identity has any impact on the innate biological sexual orientation in other people. We need to have this conversation and we need to set a few things *ahem* straight, because this is starting to spill over into the mainstream, and this could have profound consequences for the progress that we have made over the last 50 or so years. We cannot keep kicking the can down the road.
They thought they could tell the straights to unlearn their ‘transphobic’ sexual orientation, but the straights are starting to be straight with them. This is a warning shot across the bow and the question is do we take notice, or do we dismiss it and plough on regardless?
The consequences have the potential to be profound if we make the wrong choice.
We welcome contributors – of any viewpoint – who prefer insight to invective, who want to test ideas rather than dismiss them, and who’d rather build bridges than blow them up. If you want to write for us email editor@staging.lesbianandgaynews.com
Vital piece from Judy. Thank you.
Good article. I’ve thought for some time now that this whole house of cards might tumble when the gender extremists started to go after straight people. ‘First they came for the lesbians ...’